Digital print
Part of the semestral project at Scholastika
Vojtěch Mucha

The book “Výstavba” is an author’s analysis and insight into the places that are associated with the label “Satellite Cities” in the Czech Republic. The content is visually and contextually divided so that the reader not only gains an understanding of how suburbanization tendencies have developed in our territory, who lives in satellite cities and what problems they may pose in the context of settlement development, but also, through the eyes of the author, to visit one of these places, walk through the streets of colorful houses and find that one somewhere in the middle of the mosaic. One house and one family, one home.

Poster design
Digital + riso print
Part of the semestral project at Scholastika
Vojtěch Mucha

Jazz drummer Andrew Neiman studies at a prestigious conservatory in New York, where he meets a new teacher. Terence Fletcher has built a high profile at the school, as his approach and teaching style brings learned and professional musicians to world-class status year after year. After a few attempts, Andrew gets into Fletcher's jazz ensemble, where he works as a substitute for the time being, but even then he gets a glimpse into the core of Fletcher's teaching talent. "Sugar and a whip", Andrew is once praised for his playing, while a little later he is nearly hit by a flying chair for allegedly playing out of rhythm. The immense pressure and humiliation from a teacher would demotivate many people, however for Andrew, who had long since been blinded by his own ambition, each attack on his personality was just another incentive to play even harder. "A road to greatness often takes you to the edge", alienation from family, personality breakdown, incredible psychological damage, can all be part of the journey to success. I wanted to apply this process to the posters and merch, so I used the final piece, "Caravan", which Andrew plays at the end of the film, as an imaginary "journey from point A to point B". In the form of the drummer's individual rhythmically arranged pieces, I thus created frames that indirectly suggest that with each "next beat" one is closer not only to the desired glory, but also to the deep abyss.

Filmový plakát
Digital print
Part of the semestral project at Scholastika
Ela Didunyková, Vojtěch Mucha
As part of the semester's assignment to create a poster for the chosen film, a collaborative booklet was also made, putting all the students' work together in one notebook with additional annotation for each film and the student's name. I undertook the preparation of this zine together with Ela Didunyková, and with a simple layout and the chosen transparent paper, we created a non-invasive space to shine mainly on its content, the posters.

Benešovká nemocnice
UI design
Paid project

During my part-time job as a graphic designer at Rexonix I was assigned a project with the result of a digital orientation plan for a hospital in Benešov. My task was to design an interactive and responsive visual of the plan, from drawing the map, to creating an interface for orientation around the map and the different clinics. The map now works in the hospital in the form of touch screen devices placed around the complex.